Acceptance and Use of Cloud Computing Systems in Higher Education: An Application of TAM 3 within the Socio-cultural context of Educational Institutions

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  • Nazire Burçin Hamutoğlu Eskisehir Technical University



This research aims to compare the acceptance and usage of the Cloud Computing Systems (CCSs) such as Google Documents in higher institutes within socio-cultural context of the each institution’s educational culture The main purpose of the study is to identify and compare the participants’ reflects based on the acceptance and usage of CCS in both UK and TR. T-test analyses were carried out between gender and the components of TAM3; the components of TAM3 and the groups, in order to see the differences. One of the main findings of this study is the distinction between the universities in the way of their perception on Computer Anxiety (CANX) in their own educational-culture of each institution context. Furthermore, the participants’ perception on the Image (IMG) component has the lowest scores of all of the components of TAM 3 in both countries. Based on the findings, given that students come from different cultures during these times in which mobilization is very important, it is thought that the result achieved in the study is not related to the cultural values of a society but the socio-cultural context of both educational institutions included in the study.




How to Cite

Hamutoğlu, N. B. (2020). Acceptance and Use of Cloud Computing Systems in Higher Education: An Application of TAM 3 within the Socio-cultural context of Educational Institutions. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(4), 1–22.