Gamifying the 9 Events of Instruction with Different Interactive Response Systems: The Views of Social Sciences Teacher Candidates

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  • Ekmel Çetin Kastamonu University
  • Ebru Solmaz Gazi University



Gagne’s theory posits that learning is achieved through interaction of various internal and external factors. If so, the use of supportive technology to provide these factors’ interaction may increase expected performance, especially in theoretical courses, and place learning at a higher level. As supportive technology, gamification-based computer or mobile applications can be used in Gagne’s nine instructional steps. Therefore, 23 teacher candidates in the Department of Social Sciences Education evaluated the use of gamification-based interactive response system (IRS) tools with the scope of Gagne’s learning theory. For 3 weeks, teacher candidates were taught how to use Kahoot, Plickers, Socrative, Quizlet, and FlipQuiz tools in question-answer activities. Teacher candidates prepared materials or questions about predetermined topics for the IRS tools, and then chosen teacher candidates demonstrated to others how to use each tool. According to findings, Kahoot and Plickers can best be used in gaining attention, assessing performance, and enhancing retention and transfer, Socrative and Quizlet in gaining attention and presenting the content and FlipQuiz in gaining attention, providing learning guidance, and assessing performance. Also, teacher candidates determined some limitations of each tool. Finally, results were discussed and some recommendations for future research were stated at the end of the study.




How to Cite

Çetin, E., & Solmaz, E. (2020). Gamifying the 9 Events of Instruction with Different Interactive Response Systems: The Views of Social Sciences Teacher Candidates. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), 1–15.