Effects of Cloud Computing Tools, Study Type and Task Difficulty on Cognitive Load and Performance

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  • Zeliha DEMİR KAYMAK Sakarya University
  • Özcan Erkan AKGÜN Medeniyet University




The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of using cloud computing technologies, study type and task difficulty on cognitive load and students’ performance. The research was conducted as 2x2x2 complex mixed design. The two experiment groups are the first factor of design. In the first experiment group students used non collaborative cognitive tools (NCCT), in the second group students used collaborative cloud computing (CCCT) for learning tasks. Second and third factors of the research as repeated measures are study type (individual – group) and task difficulty (easy – difficult). During the experiment process four different types of tasks were given to students. These tasks were individual and easy task (1), individual and difficult task (2), in group and easy task (3) and in group and difficult task (4). The depended variables of the research are cognitive load, performance and instructional efficiency scores. The experiment group consists of 57 females and 57 males totally 114 university students. 55 students used NCCT and 59 students used CCCT for learning tasks. Three factors mixed design ANOVA were used to analyze the gathered data. Analyzes showed that cloud computing improves learning performance and instructional efficiency while does not affect cognitive load. According to the results especially for the difficult tasks using cloud computing is suggested to improve students’ collaboration and performance.




How to Cite

DEMİR KAYMAK, Z., & AKGÜN, Özcan E. (2019). Effects of Cloud Computing Tools, Study Type and Task Difficulty on Cognitive Load and Performance. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7(4), 155–167. https://doi.org/10.17220/mojet.2019.04.011