Students’ Readiness for E-learning Application in Higher Education

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  • Atousa Rasouli Gaduate of Alzahra University
  • Zahra Rahbania Alzahra University,
  • Mohammad Attaran University of Malaya


The main goal of this research was to investigate the readiness of art students in applying e-learning. This study adopted a survey research design. From three public Iranian Universities (Alzahra, Tarbiat Modares, and Tehran), 347 students were selected by multistage cluster sampling and via Morgan Table. Their readiness for E-learning application was assessed by a self-developed questionnaire. Data analysis was done by indexes of descriptive statistics and one sample t-test. Analysis of results found a significant relationship between the readiness of undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-graduate students to apply E-learning, but there was no significant relationship between students’ readiness and gender, university, and subject. Results revealed that Art students were in a moderate level of readiness for applying E-learning.




How to Cite

Rasouli, A. ., Rahbania, Z. ., & Attaran, M. . (2016). Students’ Readiness for E-learning Application in Higher Education. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 4(3), 51–64. Retrieved from