Comparing the Effect of EDPA And FDPA on University Students’ Examination Results

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  • Mohammad Shah Kamarulzaman Unıversiti Utara Malaysia
  • Ahmad Jelani Shaari Unıversiti Utara Malaysia


It has been long accepted that students are themselves great resources when it comes to developing questions and activity guidelines. The present study utilizes a strategic understanding of how students can be encouraged to perform better in preparations for exams, by allowing them to frame their own subject wise questions. The application of drill and practice application (DPA) like Peerwise and StudySieve focus on different batches of University students has revealed performance results that show us how to better performance in examinations. In this study, each student was required to use either fixed DPA (FDPA) or editable DPA (EDPA). The students used the assigned software for one whole semester. The effectiveness of the treatments were compared using students’ final examination results. Results showed that those students who were given the EDPA protocol scored better than those given the FDPA protocol of practice. There is a clear indication of better subject engagement in students who practiced using the EDPA application since they were allowed to edit and create the questions to which answers were to be written. In addition, students were shown to be able to understand subject contents better when they are responsible of generating items for their EDPA activities.




How to Cite

Kamarulzaman, M. S., & Shaari, A. J. (2015). Comparing the Effect of EDPA And FDPA on University Students’ Examination Results. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 3(1), 28–34. Retrieved from