The Effect of Digital Concept Maps in Online Learning Environments on Students’ Success and Disorientation

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  • Şeyhmus Aydoğdu
  • Tolga Güyer



Concept and knowledge maps are used often in learning process as two dimensional learning materials. These maps are important in comprehending concepts of a subject and relationships between these concepts. Nowadays, concept maps can be used beyond student drawings as digital navigation tools in real life. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the use of digital concept maps as navigation tools in online learning environments on student success and disorientation. There are two subdimensions of the navigation tool: the concept map and the content tree. The achievement test designed by the researcher in order to determine success of the student is used in the research. To evaluate the level of the student’s disorientation, the disorientation scale and navigation data were used in hypermedia. Web navigation data were recorded in the database, while participants were doing their weekly tasks, and Needleman-Wunsch algorithm was used to determine the level of disorientation. As a result of the study, the success of students in both groups has a significant increase positively. Besides, students who used websites with a content tree are more successful than students who used websites with concept maps. There is not a significant difference in the perception of disorientation between groups according to the navigation tool that they used. Nevertheless, according to the results of analyses that are made with using web navigation data, it is seen that there is a difference in disorientation of students, considering the number of subjects or concepts in the navigation tool, the content of the task that has been given etc. Lastly, suggestions about what to pay attention to while using concept maps or concept maps in online learning sites have been given.




How to Cite

Aydoğdu, Şeyhmus, & Güyer, T. (2019). The Effect of Digital Concept Maps in Online Learning Environments on Students’ Success and Disorientation. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7(1), 76–93.